How To

How to make Zobo drink (2 Easy Methods)

Are you trying to stay away from carbonated drinks? and also control the intake of sugar, then you should try zobo drink. Zobo is produced from dried roselle leaf, it is a red drink and has an effect on the tongue when it is properly extracted. It is very refreshing and it can be taken anytime, even on occasions, like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and etc. This drink is very healthy, anyone can actually take this drink, if you are diabetic and you don’t want to add the flavors you can actually drink your zobo that way, zobo is everywhere and it is very cheap, both the rich and the poor can share this delicious natural drink.

I told you that zobo drink is a very healthy drink, you can use it to regulate blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels, calm the nerves, reduce stress, for weight loss, and to improve sex drive. The only people not allowed to drink zobo are pregnant women, especially in their first trimester though, because it induces menstruation and may lead to a miscarriage.

If you do not know how to make zobo this article is going to help you, follow the instructions and use the ingredients as directed.

Recipe makes about 5 litres of zobo drink, depending on how concentrated you want it to be and if you will use artificial flavours, which require more water.

Ingredients for making zobo

  • 2 (De Rica) cups of dry zobo leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of cloves (konafuru)
  • 2 stumps fresh ginger
  • Water
  • 1 big ripe pineapple
  • Slices of citrus fruits of your choice: orange, lemon, lime – to garnish

Steps to take before making zobo

  • Rinse out the dust from the zobo leaves with cold water.
  • Grind the cloves into a powder.
  • Wash and peel the skin of the ginger and blend roughly.
  • Wash, peel and cut the pineapple into thin slices.

How to make Zobo drink

  1. In a pot, ass the washed zobo leaves and pour enough water to cover it totally.
  2. Cook on medium heat and leave to boil for a few minutes.
  3. Add the ginger and the garlic, add more water and keep boiling for at least 30 minutes. This is the time it will take for the zobo leaves to be completely soft.
  4. Turn off the heat and set aside to cool down completely.
  5. Blend your pineapples while your zobo cools.
  6. When cool, sieve out the zobo leaves. Then pour the juice through a chiffon cloth to remove tiny particles and leave only a smooth juice.
  7. Add the pineapple juice. You can sieve it through the chiffon cloth again to make sure there are no particles left.
  8. Add any artificial flavours of your choice at this time and stir.
  9. Pour into bottles and refrigerate.

Zobo drink for weight loss

  • A large pot
  • A Juicer
  • Dried zobo leaves
  • Fresh or dried Ginger roots
  • 1 large pineapple
  • Oranges
  • Watermelon, cucumbers, apples, and other fruits of your choice

Procedures to Make Zobo Drink

  • Wash the large pot you want to use to cook the dried zobo leaves.
  • Quickly rinse the dried zobo leaves in a bowl of clean water to remove dirt and dust particles on them. Then, put them inside the pot.
  • Pound the dried or fresh gingers roots and add them to the zobo leaves in the pot. The amount of ginger roots depends on how much you can handle.
  • Wash the pineapple and peel it. Then, add the bark of the pineapple to the pot containing the zobo leaves and ginger.
  • Pour clean water into the pot. The water should cover it fully, then put the pot on the fire and let it cook.

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