How To

How to Cook Ogbono Soup, 12 Easy Steps

Ogbono Soup also known as Draw Soup and is an African soup, mostly prepared in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, this soup is really delicious with fufu, because of its slimy nature fufu could easily pass throw the throat with that subtle and nice feeling, the way the fufu slides into your stomach is something most Nigerians makes jokes with, as you see Nigerians throwing fufu mixed with ogbono soup on the air and receiving throwing their mouth.

Most people prefer Ogbono Soup instead of okra because of its chunk when it is not blended.

Some people like their Ogbono soup plain, with no added vegetables, others would not touch it unless there is some kind of vegetable in it. A third group loves their Ogbono Soup with Okra. How do you like your own ogbono? This article is going to explain to you how to make your ogbono soup with the right ingredients and steps.

Recipe for Ogbono Soup

  • Assorted Meat and Fish: Beef, Shaki (cow tripe), Dry Fish, Stockfish
  • 2 handfuls Ogbono Seeds
  • 3 cooking spoons red palm oil
  • Vegetable: Frozen Spinach (you can also use Pumpkin leaves or even Bitterleaf)
  • 2 tablespoons ground crayfish
  • Pepper and Salt (To taste)
  • 1 onion
  • 2 stock/seasoning/Maggi cubes

For grinding the ogbono seeds, you will need:

  • A spice/coffer grinder

What to do before cooking Ogbono Soup

  1. Grind the Ogbono with a dry mill.
  2. Cut the frozen spinach when it is not completely defrosted. It is easier that way. Then when completely defrosted, squeeze out the excess water.
  3. Cook the assorted meat with the stock cubes and onion. If you will use Shaki, remember to start cooking that first, then add beef when almost done.
  4. Grind crayfish and pepper.
  5. Boil some water and set aside.

 How to cook Ogbono Soup

  1. Pour the palm oil into a clean dry stainless steel or aluminum pot. Set on the stove and melt the oil at low heat. Remember, only melt the oil, do not allow it to heat up.
  2. Once melted, turn off the heat and add the ground Ogbono.
  3. Use your cooking spoon to dissolve the Ogbono in the oil.
  4. When all the Ogbono powder has completely mixed with the oil, add the meat/fish stock (water from cooking the assorted meat and fish). Set the heat of your cooker to low and start stirring. You will notice the Ogbono start to thicken and draw.
  5. Keep stirring till the Ogbono has completely absorbed the meat stock.
  6. Add a small quantity of the hot water and stir till the Ogbono has absorbed all the water. Repeat this process till you get the consistency that is shown in the video below.
  7. Making sure that your heat is set to low, cover the pot, and start cooking. Once it starts to simmer, stir every 2-3 minutes for 20 minutes.
    So what you’ll do is every 3 minutes or so, open the pot, stir every well, scraping the Ogbono that sticks to the base of the pot, cover the pot and cook for another 3 minutes.
  8. After 20 minutes, the Ogbono should be well cooked and you will begin to perceive its nice flavor and aroma.
  9. Add the assorted meat and fish, ground crayfish, salt, and pepper to taste. The Ogbono may have become thicker from the cooking. If so, add a little bit more water and stir very well. Cover and cook till the contents of the pot is well heated up.
  10. If you prefer your Ogbono Soup without vegetables, turn off the heat and serve but if you like to add a vegetable then keep reading 🙂
  11. When the contents of the pot have heated up, add the vegetable (frozen Spinach used in the video). Stir very well, cover the pot and turn off the heat. Leave to stand for about 5 minutes and serve with any Fufu recipe.

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