You would be interested to know the cleanest cities in the world. Who doesn’t like a clean environment? Everyone wants a really cool, beautiful and clean environment. To have a clean environment it requires the efforts of everyone around that space to ensure that the environment is always clean and also the intervention of the government. It is the responsibility of the people to throw their garbage in the dustbins kept on the sides of the sides of the roads. Also we need to learn controlling our ways while driving onto the roads and should adopt better sewage systems.
Oslo – Norway

Do you know that, Oslo is one of the busiest and most populated cities in Norway. This city is admired for its beautiful green areas, parks, lakes and gardens. The government make effort to see that the place is clean and convenient for people to stay. In 2007, Oslo was named to be the 2nd greenest city in the world by Reader’s Digest.
Brisbane – Australia

Brisbane is a gorgeous and one of the cleanest cities of Australia. t is famous for its humid weather and relaxing environment. Brisbane is a well organised and secure city, having all the lavish residential facilities available for its people to make living enjoyable and easy.
Paris – France

Irrespective of the fact that this is the capital city of France, Paris is highly admire for its clean carpeted roads, well-organized traffic system and beautiful theme parks. This city has everything to it takes to make live enjoyable and fun for you.
Freiburg – Germany

Freiburg known for its fresh grass gardens, parks, beautiful road-trees and eco-friendly environment. Freiburg is a prominent German city and one of the major hubs for the tourists to enjoy relaxing time at.
London – United Kingdom

Famous for its development and growth with fascinating and clean environment, very clean roads. The weather in London usually remains extremely pleasant. You can enjoy viewing the museums, theme parks, cultural attractions and restaurants of this city to make your trip ideal.

Irrespective of the fact that the people here live busy lives, there are a lot of fun-making opportunities to refresh their minds during the evening or at weekends. Singapore’s official languages are English, Tamil and Malay. With an estimated population of 5.4 million, this city is dominating the world in different respects.
Wellington – New Zealand

Everyone must have heard about this great country. The theme and jungle parks of Wellington, museums, relaxing environment and green roads make it an ideal place for the international tourists. The population of this city is extremely high, but that never matters because its beauty and natural attraction is never harmed.
Kobe – Japan

Kobe A rich city, populated and has various interesting tourist attractions.Kobe is not less than a dream come true for any tourist. This city has gotten fame due to its advanced sewage management systems and environment friendly vehicles.
New York – USA

An amazing city, who doesn’t want to spend in a place as comfortable as this? With an approximate population of 1.7 million, this city is known best for its museums, parks, restaurants, hotels and big shopping centres. Two of America’s major green parks and one green restaurant are also situated in this city.
Helsinki – Finland

Helsinki is in Finland. It has green mountains, hilly areas, museums and beach points to amaze the tourists. The estimated population of Helsinki is 7.8 million. This city is known for its exotic tourist attractions, the best being its complex electricity system which consumes lesser energy to generate electricity. This makes us believe that the government has done really well to make this city an eco-friendly place for the residents.